Immunization Guidelines
Check Your Immunization Status
As a unit of the University System of Georgia, the University of West Georgia is required to adhere to the Board of Regents Guidelines regarding immunizations. The Board of Regents (BOR) has established immunization requirements for all new students (first-year, transfers, and others) as directed by policy. A summary of the current policy is available on the Board of Regents website for your review.
It is the policy of the University of West Georgia to comply with the mandatory immunization program established by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. Prior to registering for classes at 在线博彩, students must provide proof of the required immunizations (PDF). Upon acceptance to 在线博彩, a HOLD will be placed on the student's account preventing registration. The HOLD will be removed once the required documentation has been satisfied.
Any student with questions regarding their immunization status may check my status or email the Immunization Clerk at 在线博彩 Health Services at This email account is checked daily and immunization submissions are processed within 3 business days.
Immunization Forms and Submission Options
Acceptable forms showing proof of immunizations include the 在线博彩 Immunization Form (signed by the student's health care provider), or an official document from a clinic or county health department. If a student is unable to locate his/her immunization records but is certain of being immunized, a blood test (titer) showing the student's immunity will be accepted.
If a student is missing immunizations and would like to be immunized, vaccinations are available at Health Services for a fee.
Submission Options
- Email:
- Fax: (678) 839-6402
- Hand Delivered: Student Health Center - located at the West Entrance near Tyus Hall
- Mail: 1601 Maple Street Carrollton, GA 30118 - Attn: Health Services
Immunization Forms
Immunizations for Special Populations
Students Enrolled in a Fully Online Degree Program
Students enrolled in a fully online degree program will be automatically exempt from the immunization requirement until they are no longer an online learner.
Students Enrolled in Fully Online Classes
Students who are taking FULLY online classes will need to complete an immunization form (top section, under the Exemptions section check the box that states you are enrolled in distant learning only and sign) each semester and submit the completed form to Health Services at requesting the immunization hold be updated to allow for registration or class schedule adjustments.
Once a student enrolls in a class that physically meets on campus, he/she will be required to immediately provide proof of the required immunizations. A hold will be placed on the student's record which will prevent registration or class schedule adjustments until the immunization requirement is met.
Immunization Status Satisfied at a Previous Institution
If a student has previously satisfied immunization requirements at a former institution, an official copy of the immunizations may be used to provide the student's immunization record. This copy can be submitted to
Military Students
Military students may submit their DD214 to fulfill the requirements.
Georgia Immunization Registry (GRITS)
The Georgia Immunization Registry is designed to collect and maintain accurate, complete and current vaccination records to promote effective and cost-efficient disease prevention and control. The Georgia Immunization Registry law, passed in 1996 and expanded by House Bill 1526, requires reporting by "any person who administers a vaccine or vaccines licensed for use by the United States Food and Drug Administration to a person." Several options are available for submitting immunization records to the Registry. Georgia's immunization providers have easy access to immunization records and have the ability to generate a variety of reports on an individual's immunization status.
To assist students in meeting the immunization requirements, the University of West Georgia will be retrieving immunization records from GRITS. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that their immunization record is current with GRITS.
Please visit the Georgia Immunization Registry for additional information.